Quiet Strength
The Kinsey African American Art & History Collection is incredibly powerful and it has been an honor to promote the exhibition with the NURFC team these past few months. The breadth and depth of content, historical and personal, highlights the untold stories of so many Americans – from photographic, literary and artistic perspectives. I believe it would be nearly impossible to walk through a personal collection of this caliber and not have one, or more, objects speak to you. I try to make a point to spend at least 10 minutes in the Skirball Gallery each day I am in the office and “get to know” a new piece of the collection and I have learned so much.
One object in particular that catches my eye each time I walk through The Kinsey Collection is a book signed to Shirley Kinsey. This book, titled Quiet Strength, was signed by Rosa Parks in 1998.
I’m a fan of signed books. I’ve been known to stand in line for extended periods of time for the opportunity to thank an author for their work and have them sign a copy of my book.