Ambassador Group Photo | October 21, 2024

Executive Officers (from left to right): Carole T. Riguad, Doris M. Stokes, Carole Williams, Jackie Johnson
On a road trip with their husbands in March 2008, two girlfriends – Algernon Johnson and Helen O’Neal – began a discussion about the Freedom Center’s fundraising challenges. The conversation was prompted by local headlines that highlighted the growing outcry for more community involvement and financial backing from community stakeholders. Both women felt that it would be beneficial to bring together a group of experienced African American women leaders to raise awareness and champion community involvement. Their seemingly small idea began to take root, blossoming into a call for action.
The Ambassadors of the Freedom Center will be the premier volunteer organization supporting the Freedom Center. The Ambassadors will be guided by five primary themes: Engagement, Collaboration, Visibility, Volunteerism and Excellence in outreach.
To serve as supporters of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center’s pursuit of inclusive freedom: being actively engaged as it promotes social justice for all.
Juanita Adams*
Iva Brown*
Yvonne Edmonds-West
Dr. Sarah Hale*
Theresa Henderson
Lillian Jones*
Edna Keown
Phyllis McCallum
Dr. Ann Richburg
Carole Rigaud
Aurelia “Candie” Simmons
Merri Gaither Smith
Future Vincent-Hicks
Miriam West