Young people have been on the forefront of Black Lives Matter protests around the world, taking to the streets and the web to fight for justice and a better world. Young leaders in Cincinnati come together to discuss their experiences growing up and growing into political consciousness in the wake of Timothy Thomas’s murder and the civil unrest in 2001. Moderated by Andria Carter of the Cincinnati Herald, the panel will feature representatives from Elementz, Pones, the University of Cincinnati’s Center for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation along with Cincinnati Public Schools’ student-led organization Speak Up, Speak Out as they reflect on how the events of 2001 impacted community responses to the murders of Sam Dubose in 2015 and George Floyd in 2020, and how protest and activism in Cincinnati has changed over the last 20 years.
Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_H7VQ4gsLRgyrPSvHuRQJkg
Presented in partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center and Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library.