Join us for our next Fifth Third Community Day. Guests will receive free admission and experience special activities. Reserve your tickets online or in-person. Fifth Third Community Days are made possible through the generous support of the Fifth Third Foundation.
Activity Schedule
Freedom Circle: Patricia Thrushart
12:00–2:00 p.m. | Freedom Store, 1st floor
Join us for a reading, discussion and book signing with author and poet Patricia Thrushart. Ms. Thrushart will share her recently published book, Inspired by their Voices: Poetry from the Underground Railroad Testimonies.
Musical Performance by Jazz Renaissance
1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. | 3rd floor
Enjoy a performance by Jazz Renaissance in celebration of Jazz History Month. This seven-piece group plays modern jazz in many styles, including bop, swing and Latin. The group has played in many local venues, including the Blue Wisp, the Whiskey Bar, the Juneteenth Celebration at Drake Park, the Black Family Reunion, and others.
Art Activity with local artist Brent Billingsley
10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. | Grand Hall, 2nd floor
Stop by and flex your creativity with local artist Brent Billingsley.