The Beacon of Hope
March 4 - April 30, 2024
Harriet Tubman, the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, was a beacon of hope to hundreds of people seeking freedom from bondage. She, herself, guided 70 enslaved people to freedom, never losing a passenger.
The Beacon of Hope is a striking, 11-foot monument that tells Tubman's continuing story, amplifying her message of equality so that all may hear it. It is our continuing hope that generations of children and adults alike will find the inspiration and the courage to walk in her footsteps and to draw strength from the powerful story of one of humanity's great heroes. In doing so, we may all find within ourselves that we can be The Beacon of Hope for others.
The Beacon of Hope is a vibrant reminder of Harriet Tubman's legacy on display in recognition of the Harriet Tubman Commemorative Coin, a series of collectible coins honoring the enduring legacy of one of freedom's greatest heroes. Coins are available in three denominations, each representing a different era of Tubman's life. Coins can be purchased in our Freedom Store or directly through the U.S. Mint. A portion of the proceeds from each coin will equally support the missions of the Freedom Center and the Harriet Tubman Home in Auburn, NY.
Main Entrance